Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hindi and English Poetry - AB day 611 (ii)

Dear Brother
Sadar Charan Sparsh

So there we are at last.. at the heights.. with some of these pictures I tend to equate your heights in performances over these 40 years that we have been knowing you..

I have lot of scribbling to be shared .. par pahle kuchh mitha ho jaaye.. arrey bhai Auro paas jo ho gaya hai.. Vaise Auro to 5th December ko hi pass ho gaya thaa... maine bhi uski copy jaanchi thee.. he had scored 10 out of 10.. much ahead of the rest of those who took the exam..

Lets break here and take a route to Hindi and surprisingly poetry.. no, no, not poetry but thoughts in poverty.. I can't think in English so I feel my poetry would sound like poverty.. Lets first have what may not be liked as much.. and more so for the fact that I won't have to leave this post and switch over to invoking Hindi font.. (Don’t you laugh Valorie! I am not Adams but an Eve's son.. so says allegory..)

I know no bounds
I live unbound
to discover and define
the life that we found!

The guy next door
is my friend for sure!

The one who has heart
The one blessed with a mind
The one who is soft
The one who acts kind
The one who laughs or
The one who cries
The one who gets angry
The one who loves trees
The one who is a man
The one who is always free
The one who is seldom busy
The one who lives for others
The one who dies for his brothers
The one who is divine
The one who never whines
The one who talks with me
The one who walks with me
The one who is made of flesh
The one who is all of bones

He is dear to me!!!

I know some people would be wondering what exactly is this non-sense that they can make no sense.. I had warned few days back that I can not write poetry in Englissh.. No, no, not that I can write poetry in Hindi but I can give it a try! wait and see what folllows next!!

Love you all those who liekd it and not liked it at all!!

Love You and Treat you Right!
Abhaya Sharma

सपने-अपने अपने सपने !

कहीं कोई दिल में
ये ख्वहिश दबी सी
है देती थी दस्तक
नही अजनबी सी

मुझे क्या पता था
क्या मुझको खबर थी
है दामन से लिपटी
नई ज़िंदगी थी !

तुम्हे क्या बताउं
मै क्या अब सुनाउं
ये दिल की लगी थी
नही दिल्लगी थी !

कैसे, कहां, कब
किसे मैं जताउं
कि ख्वबों में ही
एक दुनिया सजाउं !

भाई है दुनिया का
हर भाई मेरा
बहन भी लगे न
कभी भी पराई !

मेरे दिल से पूछे
कोई भी कभी भी
मेरी ज़िंदगी की है
ये सांसें सभी की !

न परमाणु बम हो
न कोई भी गम हो
हंस कर कटे
ज़िंदगानी हमारी !

मरने के सौ-सौ बहाने
जीने को हम आज फिर से
मिलेंगें !

नही नाम से कोई मतलब
नही कोई शिकवा न गफलत
इशारा !

चलो आज हम फिर
फिकर छोड़ जी लें
जो खाई हो कसमें
उन्हे तोड़ जी लें !

मिल कर रहे थे
मिल कर रहेंगें
धरती को अपनी
मां धरती कहेगे !!!

अभय शर्मा
(मुझे उम्मीद है कुछ एक लोग इसे कविता कहने में संकोच नही करेंगें, पसंद करें या ना करें इसकी कोई गारंटी मैं नही ले सकता !!!)

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