Monday, December 7, 2009

Auro - My new Friend..

Respected Brother
Sadar Charan Sparsh

Have a great time in Dubai.. at DIFF.. to be more accurate.. to receive recognition must have by now become a second way of life.. recognition of your efforts over the years.. recognition for creativity.. recognition for entertainer numero uno.. recoginition for being Amitabh Bachchan.. recognition by India.. recognition by France, England and now Dubai and several other countries.. recognition for Hindi Cinema world over.. recognition by your EF should be a matter not as important as some others.. yet I Abhaya Sharma.. member or could I use one of the senior EF.. not merely by age but also by presence here for a long duration want to say this..

Brother, little did we expect that one day we would be so close to you through this medium.. little did I (as a first person) realise that I would be fortunate enough to have spend three hours under the same roof at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.. Little did we (Amrit and Savita join) thought that PAA would be such a great movie.. Little did we all (the EF) had ever beleived that we would be on a daily meeting exercise with you.. your time management skills must be a lesson to the management curriculum on the subject.. in a nutshell.. we are blessed to be with you on this short journey of life.. short but filled with joy and much that makes life worth living.. we learn from you each day.. we almost have created a second world for ourselves.. however virtual it may appear to naive it is real in every sense of the word..

I must add hurriedly that there could not have been a better utilization of the new medium in Internet by me other than being able to connect to you at will.. I know I felt let down by my own acts in not waiting a little longer at the green room and giving up on the lifetime opportunity to be able to see you from a hand shaking distance.. it was not to be.. it was not the time when I should have disturbed you .. knowing well how many bigwigs might not have got a chance to say simply hello to you that night or the other night at the premier of PAA.. no, no, I did not appear for PAA's premier.. I could not..

PAA everyone here on the EF must see atleast once and if possible in theater alone.. no, no, I am not advertising the film I am only offering a suggestion.. I am only here to remind you that one must not miss the opportunity to meet 13 year old Auro.. that one must not miss a great movie of modern times.. brother is a part of it or rather a central character is only a secondary fact... primarily it is a great movie..

More later
With Love to you Auro for being so lively despite the sudden ageing process that changed your physical configuration.. your presence was indeed a blessing.. a lesson in life to be more precise..
Love, Affection and Pyaar
Abhaya Sharma

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