Friday, October 9, 2009

AB day 535 - To Dear Manoj

Dear Manoj Kumar Ojha (OjOj) and members FmXt

How very kind of you to have thought of representing us all.. as a matter of fact.. I extend my invitation to come and meet me too.. if time permits and you have no hesitation in meeting someone so miniscule after meeting someone so majestic..

It is out of great respect.. that I say that you and Ziibbu are beyond ordinary admirers like me.. I have been here in Mumbai for last so many years.. in fact.. I had strong desire to see him during his coolie accident.. but then his state at that point of time was such medically as well as otherwise.. that it was impossible for an ordinary scientist to even dream of meeting him.. I mean these words.. especially impossible..

Over the time.. it so happened that I was mre inclined towards theatre and was training myself to be a scientist.. there were just two occasions when I stopped in front of his house with some intent.. first was around late nineties when I wanted ABCL to be renamed as Amitabh Bachchan’s complex of library.. the original content is now available with me.. then on second occasion it was couple of years back on our return from Juhu Beach that two of my younger brother's son Apoorv and Amol and Amrit wanted to have a look and find out if they could see him.. Amrit had become quite angry when the watchman said a no.. he was holding a towel in his hand and had thrown at the Prateeksha entrance.. he was all but eight years at that time.. but he was quite angry..

For me.. I now have no desire to meet him personally.. meet him everyday here.. I can not expect meeting him for a few seconds as important as meeting him n daily basis and sometimes more than once in a day..

For me.. I feel.. he is an extraordinary man.. I should not disturb him for such ordinary things as an autograph or mere photograph..

हाँ.. किसी दिन कभी मेरे पास कोई ऐसी आवश्यकता होगी की उनसे मिले बिना गुजारा नही चलेगा तो अवश्य ही उनसे मिलने जाऊँगा.. वैसे कई बार सोचा ज़रूर था की मैं उनके यहाँ हो आऊं.. खासकर १९ जनुअरी २००५ को मॅन में बहुत इच्छा थी की एक बार डॉ. बच्चन के अन्तिम दर्शन कर आऊँ.. पर ऐसा हो न सका.. और अब ये बात मेरे दिल को हमेशा मसोसती रहती है .. मधुशाला के रचयिता से उनके अन्तिम समय में भी मिलने से वंचित रह गया..

बस यही सोचकर अब अपने मन को कठोर बना लिया है की.. भाईसाहब से मिलकर अगर उन्हें कोई ख़ास लाभ न हो तो मेरा उनसे मिलने का क्या तात्पर्य हो सकता है.. प्रशंसक तो मैं उनका हूँ.. और हमेशा रहूँगा.. उनका आभारी भी हो गया हूँ जिस तरह उन्होंने कुछ एक दफा मेरे लिखी बातें पढ़ी और कई एक बार उत्तर भी दिया..

बस.. इश्वर से यही मनोकामना है की भाई वास्तव में भाईचारे की नई मिसाल कायम कर सके.. विश्व शान्ति के प्रति कुछ कर सकें.. लोगों के बीच हार्मोनी बढ़ा सकें.. main यह नही जानता की वो ऐसा कर सकते है या नही, main मानता हूँ की वो इस दिशा में बहुत कुछ कर सकते हैं..

मुझे ना-उम्मीद कर दे उम्मीद तो नही..
दुनिया में ऐसा कोई मेरा भाई तो नही..

Let me take a break.. I have already submitted a double entry with nearly same content at #140.. the second part has a post script that is important and not a part of the unedited version that appeared first..

I am providing a link to a blog that I am maintaining just for him.. though some of the earlier contents are also present in my original blog.. and my very early communications of the blog are part fo some pdf links at my website..

the link is and

Now, I do wish that Manoj if possible give me a call at 9869258653 once you reach Mumbai.. and if possible send me a mail about your exact schedule of Mumbai stay.. at

With lots of love and thanks for representing us.. I wish that you get enough time with brother.. as he is quite busy these days..

Abhaya Sharma
October 9 2009

He is my childhood hero.. and for some reasons I have great attachment to my childhood.. even though it was not very pleasant.. it had great love and affection for Mr. Amitabh Bachchan.. I therefore present this Jagjit Singh’s Ghazal to brother as yet another dedication on his birthday..

मोहल्ले की सबसे निशानी पुरानी
वो बुधिया जिसे बच्चे कहते ठे नानी
वो नानी की बातों में परियों का डेरा
वो चेहरे की झुर्रियों में सदियों का फेरा
भुलाए नही भूल सकता है कोई
वो छोटी सी रातें वो लम्बी कहानी

वो कागज़ की कश्ती वो बारिश का पानी..

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