Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Preeti K - (MD, USA) Day 334

Hi Dear!
It is always a pleasure to know more about you! thanks for the picture. Though to be frank I do not understand whether you did the book, you purchased a ciopy or you were gifted the book! Elaborate! If you get time!My niece Manasi would be in India during mid - April I would find out if she could get in touch with you. Only if you could send me some details as your email id. or is it here on the FB. ...
More later
lol...Abhaya ji...that is me waiting in line to get the book signed. I actually bought da book. :P
Dear Amitabh Uncle Ji,

I hope all is well with you. Glad to hear that your shooting schedule is on schedule and that you are ready to go home from this leg of the shooting. I was catching up with your blog as I didn’t have any time over the weekend to do so. I was busy over the weekend with a gatka workshop where I had to give a small presentation about what gatka and sikhism was to a group of martial arts students. I was lucky to have both my instructors with me there, my instructor from Toronto had come down for this workshop so it was an awesome workshop. Everyone learned a lot including me.
As far as your blog entries go…i’ve seen that you have been doing a lot of pondering and thinking…and in turn making us do a lot of thinking as well. I read your entry about getting questioned about the auditions and what the kids of today have to go through. I thought that was very interesting because I think the world is becoming more and more competitive today. They have all sorts of pressures not just from home but the outside world as well. I can really see that when it comes to their school, I notice this with not only my cousins but my some friends as well. They have more pressure now to do well and be almost perfect and well rounded in everything they do. I don’t think it’s the most healthiest thing for them because as you were saying that it seems to make them miss out on their childhood. I think they are being pressurized to grow up faster that they are ready to sometimes and then they miss out on the innocence and fun of being a child.

Also about your topic today about I guess relationships is interesting as well in that what you say on there about trying to keep everything in harmony and balanced. I agree with you about that, I think sometimes if we know that something may create friction between 2 people and change the relationship between people I myself also pick the route of staying quiet and not speaking up because I think it will hurt the other person. The only time I don’t really care about the relationship and if I end up hurting the other person is when they do something wrong and that goes against my principals or morals. That is the time I will speak up…you can say in a time of injustice, because they must be told when they are wrong and especially if they themselves are hurting someone, because that’s not fair. It is never fair for anyone to make a person feel inferior or bad, as said by Elenaor Roosevelt.

Ok, Uncle back to work for me. Going to finish up some stuff and then hopefully it’ll be time to go home. Take Care. Have a safe trip back home. Chat Soon.
Peace & Blessings!
Preeti (MD,USA)

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