Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Zhenya Sannikova - Russia

I think she is very special fro some reasons. More specifically that She had sent some of brother's pictures to him from his time he spent in Russia. The three pictures were part of the blog for a long time!
Of course that alone is not the only reason that I have chosen to befriend her, that is one f the reasons, though! Zhenya I would like to know more of your interaction with Amitabh Bachchan! I did want to learn Russian and that is for tow other Russian friends besides you.

Dearest Friend!

I am little uncertain as to what should I tell you! Yes, I do love and respect you for that reason also, not for that reason alone. I love you for being a human being, I also respect you for being a woman and above all for showing so much interest in my country and me, someone who has replied back to my mails without knowing too much of me is not a small matter. I do not knwo whether you have read my comments on brother's blog. I sincerely say that I have not had the chance to read much of yours but the mention by the great AB does put you in that special class that people like me would always extend a hand of friendship.

Why not tell more about yourself. I would henceforth not disturb you with unnatural questions to you! You shall not be directed by me to behave in any one particular way or the other. I have enough space in my heart so I would not mind continuing to write to you separately. Please excuse me if I would have hurt you for any other reason. Feel free to express yourself. This life is short and we both have to make the best use of the time that has been made available to us. I love you equally if not more than some of the other fellow bloggers.

Das vi danya.


Abhaya Sharma

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