Sunday, March 15, 2009

Subhash Kaura - The man with many Quotes

Dear Subhash ji,

A special thank to so many quotes and each in a separate post makes it easier for a person like ,e to rate them, I somehow do not mind rating posts, generally, I have found that I get to read the ones from you in particular for your wise quotes. But this time around your mention of the constructive use of the blog finds an immediate admirer in me!

My USIS post was with the intention of forming such a body if not a governmental lelvel yet possibly at organizational levels. I for one realise that Pakistan is not flooded with terrorists alone it has some good number of educated people and it counts! I do not wish that India or any country pumps in all the money for development of few cities like Delhi, Bombay or Calcutta. There has to be larger interest in taking more of the cities to the status of these cities. That it is possible is not what I dream, I think it is well nigh possible if like minded people could take few steps in those directions.

I know today, the condition of Pakistan is deteriorating - the world over they have quite a tarnished image not in harbouring the terrorists alone but even in their internal matters. If in the hour of need the International community just scoffs or continues to find faults with them does one expect that they will be able to come out of their present wretched state of affairs.

Somehow I put a lot of emphasis on education, so I wish I could devise some strategy which is acceptable and viable and at the same time promises to be progressive in nature. It was with this intention that I do not mind India to adopt English as the medium of education at the very early stage. That I feel even a fifth standard pass is better equipped than an illiterate I do propose that there be a need to atleast assure that every one of our child atleast gets to write one board exam at the fifth standard level. That if we could promise education to our masses alone can we be able to execute some of the other awareness programs including population control. (Some day I would talk about the vertical proliferation of our population as the ones who should control do not exercise restrain and those who can afford do not want more children!)

Now, someone who is not exactly fearless - I admit that I am fearless only for namesake. I wish I could exercise my name with a bit more authority but no it does not happen that way, I have my own set of fears and some of the fears are also strengthened by the words of those who are concerned about my welfare or for those whose welfare has been entrusted unto me! I hope sister Kashmira reads this and forgives me for crossing the warnings which she issued with a very good and honest intent.

I have decided to hold my views on elections, electioneering, cleansing of the process and system as I realise akela chana bhaad nahi phod sakta! Yet I would try to raise my voices on anything that I feel could be instrumental in taking not only India a litlle forward but also makes the world a better place to live!

With these words and a great affection to you and sister Kashmira and Ravi sir ( He is my senior KVian), I admit that I would continue to pay heed to your words as much as is possible yet also speak out when I am too strongly convinced about a subject! I know sometimes one could be wrong even with strong convictions!

I would not mind being a host (a support to be of some help in things that I know!) to some of the people that I have come to befriend here. You are one of the frist few on that list and Kashmira Di is not far behind! One could approach me for any possible help on web related matters. I know I can not support every question pertaining to the issue yet I could provide the basic ingredients to take some of the people beyond writing blogs througn some of the free website hosting sites like angelfire, geocities or tripod for example. There may be a limitation of the space yet I feel for personal ends a space of 20 MB that comes with angelfire is no less if one knows how best to make use of it!

I think these last words have come as an extended post script, I have this habit of being quite detailed which is sometimes not exactly necessary, I know that is not a good and healthy habit but then who said habits are healthy or they are supposed to be alwasy good!

Absolute morality leads logically to absolute intolerance.
~Michael Shermer

Abhaya Sharma, India March 16 2009 IST 11:26 AM IST
Post Script : In case you do feel that I should not include your family phoyograph here, please let me know, I would respect your views! And I am sorry for I had unduly dragged you into that Satyam controversy! I can not hide my feelings!

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